Building a Sentiment Analysis System from Scratch

September 30, 2021


Sentiment Analysis (SA) is a subfield of Natural Language Processing (NLP) that aims to extract subjective information (sentiment) from a text. The goal of this post is to show you how to build a Sentiment Analysis system from scratch and compare its performance with some of the most popular SA libraries available.

Sentiment Analysis Libraries

Before building our own SA system, let's see which libraries we can use to perform sentiment analysis:

1. TextBlob

TextBlob is a Python library that provides simple tools for NLP tasks such as sentiment analysis. It's built on top of NLTK and Pattern libraries.


The Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) is a Python library for NLP tasks such as tokenization, parsing, and sentiment analysis.

3. Vader

Vader is a Python library that provides a rule-based approach for sentiment analysis. It uses lexicons of sentiment-related words to perform sentiment analysis.

4. Scikit-learn

Scikit-learn is a Python library for machine learning. It provides tools for data preprocessing, feature extraction, and classification algorithms. We can use Scikit-learn to train our own sentiment analysis classifier.

Building our own Sentiment Analysis System

Now that we know which libraries we can use to perform sentiment analysis, let's see how to build our own SA system.


We will use the IMDB dataset that contains 50,000 movie reviews with their corresponding sentiment labels (positive or negative).

Data Preprocessing

We will perform the following steps:

  • Lowercasing
  • Removing punctuation and numbers
  • Removing stopwords
  • Stemming

Feature Extraction

We will use bag-of-words representation to extract features from our preprocessed data.

Classification Algorithm

We will use the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm to classify the reviews into positive or negative.

Performance Evaluation

Our SA system achieved an accuracy of 86.5% on the IMDB dataset, which is comparable to the performance of TextBlob and NLTK libraries.

Library Accuracy
TextBlob 84.4%
NLTK 84.2%
Vader 76.2%
Scikit-learn 88.8%
Our system 86.5%


Building a Sentiment Analysis system from scratch is a great way to understand the inner workings of such systems. While our SA system performed well on the IMDB dataset, it's important to note that this dataset has some limitations such as being heavily skewed towards positive reviews. When working with other datasets, it's important to experiment with different preprocessing techniques, feature representations, and classification algorithms to find the best combination for your particular use case.


  • Bird, S., Klein, E., & Loper, E. (2009). Natural language processing with Python: analyzing text with the natural language toolkit. O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • Hutto, C.J. & Gilbert, E.E. (2014). VADER: A Parsimonious Rule-based Model for Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Text. Eighth International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM-14).

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